Ready to pay?

We are so pleased you are taking part in the Blissborn Educator Training.
Let us know if you have any questions!

You'll pay for your certification through PayPal. Please pay the Certification fee for one, two, or three years ONE TIME ONLY. We will be tracking your payment through your email address, so please use the same email address for each step. Thank you!


One year
First name
Last name



Guess what? You don't have to have a PayPal account to use this system. Simply click the grey button below the "Log In" button.

Once you've completed all six exams, we will review them.

Make sure you fill out the Application, pay the fee, take the Survey, and then turn in your half-sheet to show your completion of all steps.

Once you have finished all classes with Jenny and Barbara, and completed each step of the process, your work will be submitted for approval. Once you are approved, you'll receive your certificate!

We are so glad you chose Blissborn. We look forward to a long, happy relationship with you.